Personalized Philanthropic Advising
Offered pro bono to members and qualified prospective funders, which allows FAF to be independent in its recommendations.
Philanthropic advising for members and qualified prospective funders
Depending on your stage in your philanthropic journey (such as discovering values, learning about different interventions, or reassessing your impact), the first steps may look like:
Philanthropic North Star Meeting: We’ll learn about your values and discuss potential ways to collaborate.
Movement Constellation Meeting: You’ll learn about the movement ecosystem and we’ll hone your giving strategy towards ways you’d like to make impact.
Portfolio Recommendation: We’ll identify aligned giving opportunities and recommend a giving portfolio customized to your philanthropic North Star and giving strategy.
Our values are at the forefront of our philanthropic advising
Bidirectional Learning: We’re both learning together.
Transparency & Integrity: We aim for a trusted space that welcomes curiosity.
Maximizing Impact: We’re focused on high-impact interventions.
Commitment to Addressing the Harms of Factory Farming: We recognize the many paths to do so.
What can you expect from FAF’s philanthropic advising?
Expert Guidance: Throughout your grant-making journey, we provide guidance tailored to meet your needs, like identifying your philanthropic values (your “North Star”), learning about the movement, defining your giving strategy, finding giving opportunities, best practices in evaluating charities and projects, maximizing the impact of your donation, improving the grantee experience, or tracking your impact.
Charity Recommendations: Based on your unique values, priorities, and theory of change, we provide customized giving portfolios alongside our evidence-based reasoning for the recommendations.
Connections: As requested, we can connect you with funders, nonprofits, and experts who can share insight for your giving strategy.
Grant Follow-Up: If you choose to give anonymously or otherwise cannot handle follow-up on the grants to collect and analyze impact reports, we can conduct follow-up for major grants.
What does FAF expect from you?
Thoughtful consideration of recommendations. You always retain full decision-making authority over your giving.
A follow-up report on how you’ve given (e.g., how much and where to). This helps us track our advising’s impact.
Feedback on our advising, including constructive feedback.
We do not offer:
Tax or legal advice. We recommend engaging a tax accountant and lawyer to understand the tax and legal implications of your giving vehicles and strategies.
Advice beyond scope. We restrict our advising to interventions that address the harms of factory farming, including the environmental, animal welfare, health, and human harms. For interventions outside this scope, we will refer you to other philanthropic advisors.
If FAF’s philanthropic advising services are a strong fit for you, please register your interest.
After registering, FAF’s philanthropic advisor, Zoë Sigle, will email you to schedule a time to talk.